You can find here the pdf files of various talks/poster/blackboard talks given in seminars, workshops, conferences...
Tree-indexed sums of Catalan numbers, meanders and polynomials in \(1/\pi\),
Les midis de la Combinatoire, LORIA, Nancy, and Combinatorics seminar in LIGM, Université Paris-Est Gustave Eiffel, november 2024.
Up-down chains and scaling limits: construction of permuton-
and graphon-valued diffusion,
Conference "Representation Theory and Probability", celebrating the mathematics
of Grigori Olshanski, Leipzig, September 2024,
and 5th meeting of the ANR project CORTIPOM, Tours, October 2024.
Limit shapes of random Young tableaux and discontinuities,
Colloquinte de l'équipe Probabilité et Statistiques, IECL Nancy, June 2024,
and Talk presentation at FPSAC 2024, Bochum, Germany, July 2024.
A determinantal point process approach to random tableaux,
ANR Cortipom Workshop, Marseille, July 2023.
Graphon limits of static and dynamic models of random cographs,
Virtual Informal Systems Seminars, Montreal (online), May 2023, and midi-combi, Nancy, Nov. 2023.
- Lois logiques de (non)-convergence pour les permutations aléatoires, mini-cours journées ALÉA, Marseille, mars 2023 (lien vers les notes de cours, la correction des exercices
et les slides pour la dernière partie du cours).
Graphon limit and large independent sets in uniform random cographs, workshop on "Graph Limits, Nonparametric Models, and Estimation", Simon's Institute, Berkeley, September 22. I also gave a blackboard on the same topic in Nancy in "Journées Probabilités et Combinatoire", July 22.
- Weighted dependency graphs and asymptotic normality, L2 (Lorraine/Luxembourg) workshop in probability and statistics,
September 22.
- Random Young diagrams and tableaux, mini-course at a Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics in Krakow, Poland, July 22.
- Convergence mod-phi et estimées de déviations, exposé long au séminaire MEGA (matrices et graphes aléatoires), IHP, juin 22.
- An introduction to shifted Schur functions,
second meeting of ANR project Cortipom, Paris, June 22.
- Components of meandric systems and the infinite noodle, UC Berkeley Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar and Probability Seminar of Warsaw University of Technology, online talks, April 22.
A slightly shorter version was presented at the Combinatorial and Algebraic Enumeration Conference, Waterloo, May 22, in the workshop "Enumerative Combinatorics" in Oberwolfach, December 22, and in the mathematical physics seminar at IPhT, CEA SAclay, France, April 23.
- Random partitions and random matrices: β-deformations and local limits, Workshop Random matrices meet random permutations, Lille, April 22.
- Convergence laws for random permutations, Dagstuhl Seminar on Logic and Random Combinatorial Structures, Germany, February 22.
- Permutations aléatoires et sous-suites croissantes, exposé d'introduction à la recherche à destination des étudiants de M1 et prépa-agreg, Nancy, Janvier 22.
- Central limit theorems via (weighted) dependency graphs, Rencontres de Probabilités de Rouen, online talk, October 21.
- On random combinatorial structures: partitions, permutations and asymptotic normality, public defense of my habilitation thesis (HDR), Nancy, September 21.
- An asymptotic bijection and a scaling limit result for fixed genus factorizations of a long cycle, CoRepTiL conference, Lausanne, Switzerland and Séminaire Flajolet, IHP, Paris, September 21.
- Increasing subsequences in random separable permutations,
Permutation Patterns Virtual Workshop, Online, June 21.
- Large permutations and permutons,
Workshop on "Asymptotic Algebraic Combinatorics", Banff, March 2019 and Conference Analysis of Algorithms, Marseille, June 2019.
- Brownian limits of large permutations in classes,
Workshop on "Stochastic processes, geometry and algebraic structures", Madhia, Tunisia, April 2019.
- Two first-order logics of permutations,
Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, February 2019.
- Asymptotics for skew standard Young tableaux via bounds on characters,
Einstein Workshop on "Algebraic combinatorics", Berlin, November 2018.
- Universal limits of permutations in substitution-closed classes,
Workshop "Enumerative combinatorics", Oberwolfach, May 2018.
- Random factorizations of a permutation into transpositions,
SLC 80, Lyon, March 2018, Workshop "Symmetry and Randomness", Dublin, June 2018; Probability Seminar, Nancy, Oct. 2018; Journées MathSTIC, Paris-Nord, Oct. 2019.
(The associated movie can be found
- What do random constraint permutations look like?, Colloquium, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, December 2017.
- Shifted symmetric functions, 79th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Bertinoro, Italy, September 2017.
- Lecture 1: the vanishing property and normalized characters;
- Lecture 2: multirectangular expansions;
- Lecture 3: Jack and Macdonald analogues.
- Mod-phi convergence and random permutations, Summer school in Villa Volpi, Laggo Maggiore, Italy, September 2017.
- Lecture 1: mod-phi convergence, examples and probabilistic estimates;
- Lecture 2: mod-phi convergence and dependency graphs;
- Lecture 3: permutons;
- Lecture 4: universal limits in substitution-closed classes.
- Weighted dependency graphs, ASEP and Ising model
Invited session Integrable probability, SPA conference, Moscow, July 2017.
- Mod-phi convergence: Part 1 (examples and probabilistic estimates)
and Part 2 (dependency graphs), Workshop "Cumulants, Concentration and Superconcentration", Osnabrück,
Germany, December 2016.
- Cyclic inclusion-exclusion and the kernel of \(P\)-partitions,
talk, FPSAC 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016.
- Cumulants of Jack symmetric functions and \(b\)-conjecture,
poster presentation, FPSAC 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016.
- Weighted dependency graphs, combinatorics seminar,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, November 2016 and
final conference of the Macada Project, Domaine de Chalès, Sologne, France, June 2016.
- Schützenberger's jeu de taquin,
Conference on the scientific legacy of Marcel-Paul Schützenberger, Bordeaux, March 2016.
Shifted Schur functions,
Discrete mathematics seminar, Universität Zürich, November 2015.
Jack symmetric functions and graphs on surfaces,
plenary talk, FPSAC, Daejon, Korea, July 2015.
Cumulants and triangles in Erdős-Rényi random graphs,
Frontiers in Analysis and Probability, 1st Strasbourg/Zurich meeting, Strasbourg, February 2015 and probability seminar, University of Warwick, June 2015.
Dual Combinatorics of Jack polynomials,
Discrete mathematics seminar, Universität Zürich, February 2015 (same talk as in Tours and Madrid, 2013).
- Random combinatorial structures: graphs, permutations and representations, inaugural lecture (Antrittsvorlesung) as a professor in the University of Zurich, October 2014.
- Shifted Jack polynomials and multirectangular coordinates of Young diagrams, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 73rd edition, Strobl, Austria, September 2014. I have also done a more detailed version of this talk at Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et analytique, LIAFA, Université Paris 7, October 2014.
- La plus longue sous-suite croissante d'une permutation aléatoire, Exposé donné à Mat'les vacances, destiné à des élèves en fin de première S, Val Cenis, Alpes, Août 2014.
Quasi-symmetric functions as functions on Young diagrams, poster presented at FPSAC in Chicago, June 2014.
Joint cumulants and spanning trees, Journées ALÉA, Marseille, March 2014.
Random Representations of the symmetric group, mini-course given in workshop "Probability and representation theory in Edinburgh", February 2014.
Cyclic inclusion-exclusion, Discrete mathematics seminar, Universität Zürich, February 2014 and Séminaire Calin, Université Paris 13, October 2014.
- Dual combinatorics of Jack polynomials, workshop Recent Trends in Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics, Madrid, November 2013 and workshop Combin'à Tours, Tours, July 2013.
- La plus longue sous-suite croissante d'une permutation aléatoire, Exposé au Mathematical Park, destiné à des étudiants en première année d'université/prépa, IHP, Paris, Novembre 2013.
- Éléments de Jucys-Murphy et polynômes de Kerov, Notes manuscrites pour le séminaire Chevalley, Paris 7, Novembre 2013.
- A multivariate hook formula for labelled trees, Séminaire Philippe Flajolet, IHP, Paris, October 2013 (more detailed version of the talk given in Canadam, see below).
- On Kerov polynomials for Jack characters, poster presented at FPSAC 2013, Paris, June 2013.
- A multivariate hook formula for labelled trees, Canadam, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada, June 2013.
- Une approche duale des représentations du groupe symétrique, series of lectures given in Collège de France, Jan/Feb 2013. See its specific web page.
- Dual approach for Jack polynomials and cumulants of almost independent variables, Nagoya, July 2012.
- Asymptotic behaviour of some statistics in Ewens random permutations, Journées ALÉA, Marseille, mars 2012 and AofA conference, Montréal, June 2012.
- Quasi-symmetric functions on Young diagrams, Séminaire lotharingien de combinatoire, Ottrott, March 2012.
- A simple model of trees for unicellular maps, Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique, Bordeaux, January 2012.
- Inclusion/exclusion cyclique, Journées nationales du GT combinatoire algébrique du GDR-IM, Rouen, June 2011.
- Dual combinatorics of zonal polynomials, FPSAC 2011, Reykjavik, Islande, June 2011.
- Polynomial functions on Young diagrams and limit shape of Young diagrams, Seminar über stochastische Prozesse, Universität Zürich, April 2011.
- Sur les produits de longs cycles dans le groupe symétriques, Journées ALÉA, CIRM, Marseille, March 2011.
- Characters of symmetric groups, free cumulants and a combinatorial Hopf algebra, workshop "Bialgebras in free probability", Erwin Schroendinger Institute, Vienne, February 2011.
- Approche algébrique des formules d'équerre, séminaire de combinatoire énumérative et analytique, LIAFA, Paris, December 2010.
- Asymptotics of characters and large Young diagrams, special session on Random structure in asymptotic representation theory, 34th International Conference on Stochastic Processes and Applications, Osaka, September 2010.
- Linear coefficients of Kerov's polynomials: bijective proof and refinement of Zagier's result, poster presented at FPSAC 2010, San Francisco.
- A combinatorial presentation of an algebra of functions on Young diagrams, Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, University of Waterloo, June 2010 and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, July 2010.
- Un problème combinatoire sur les graphes lié aux caractères du groupe symétrique, Séminaire du LaBRI, May 2010.
- Caracteres irreductibles du groupe symetrique et grands diagrammes de Young (2/2),
Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique, Bordeaux, April 2010.
- Asymptotic of characters of symmetric groups and limit shape of Young diagrams,
64th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Lyon, March 2010.
- Caractères irreductibles du groupe symetrique et grands diagrammes de Young (1/2),
Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique, Bordeaux, March 2010.
- Énumération de certaines factorisations d'un long cycle,
Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique, Bordeaux, December 2009.
- Large random Young diagrams and representation theory,
Workshop on Free Probability and Combinatorial Random Structures, Bielefeld, Allemagne, December 2009.
- Quelques avantages de Sage,
Petite école de Combinatoire, Bordeaux, octobre 2009. Presentation and software
demonstration (look here for the software demonstration, in French).
- Interprétation algébrique d'une identité combinatoire due à Greene,
Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique, Bordeaux, septembre 2009.
- Application of graph combinatorics to rational identities of type A,
poster presented at FPSAC 2009, Linz, Austria, July 2009.
- Autour des éléments de Jucys-Murphy : équivalence de trois problèmes combinatoires,
Journées annuelles du GT Combinatoire Algébrique, Lyon, June 2009.
- Fonctions sur les diagrammes de Young : caractères du groupe symétriques et polynômes de Kerov,
Soutenance de thèse, Marne-La-Vallée, March 2009.
- Une variante du lemme des mariages liée aux polynômes de Kerov,
Journée de Combinatoire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, February 2009.