CNRS senior scientist (directeur de recherche CNRS)
Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
- The research project LOUCCOUM (for Large Objects Under Combinatorial Constraints and Outside Uniform Models) has been accepted for funding by the ANR (French National Research Agency).
Some research topics:
- Random permutations, patterns and permutons (see a picture of the Brownian separable permuton);
- Meanders and meandric systems;
- Central limit theorems for sums of weakly dependent variables:
I have recently introduced a new tool, weighted dependency graphs, to obtain this kind of results;
- Deviation probabilities, speed of convergence for combinatorial random variables, via mod-Gaussian convergence;
- Algebraic combinatorics, and in particular combinatorics in the symmetric group algebra and its representations (Young diagrams, factorizations in symmetric groups and associated graphs embedded in surfaces, Jucys-Murphy elements) ;
- Symmetric functions, including Jack polynomials, and their connection with map enumeration;
Short CV:
- 2023-now: CNRS senior scientist (directeur de recherche) in IECL, Nancy.
- 2020-2023: CNRS junior scientist (chargé de recherche) in IECL, Nancy. Habilitation defended in Sepember, 2021.
- 2013-2020: Assistant professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Zurich.
- 2013: Cours Peccot in College de France.
- 2009-2013: CNRS junior scientist (chargé de recherche) in LaBRI (University Bordeaux 1).
- 2006-2009: PhD student in LIGM (University Paris-Est Marne-La-Vallée).
You can also have a look at my detailed CV (version of May 2024, in French).
firstname "dot" lastname "at" univ-lorraine "dot" fr
Valentin Féray, office 221
Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine
Université de Lorraine, Site de Nancy
Boîte postale 70239
F-54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy