Page dédiée au cours de M2 MFA "Processus stochastiques discrets".
Lecture notes
Complete list of lectures in Zurich (until 2020) and Nancy (from 2021 on):
- Fall semester 21 and 22: Compléments sur les marches aléatoires, part of the probability lecture for the second year of Master "Mathématiques fondamentales et applications" in Nancy.
- Spring semester 21 and 22: Statistiques et Analyse de Données for second-year students at Telecom Nancy.
- Spring semester 20:
animating a student seminar on Automatic proofs of binomial identities,
details here.
- Fall semester 19: Probability 2
(conditional expectation, martingales, Markov chains and Brownian motion).
Script and exercises are to be found here.
- Spring semester 19: Random combinatorial structure (analytic approaches and moment method).
Script and exercises are to be found here.
- Spring semester 18: Complex analysis.
A script of the lecture and exercise sheets can be found
- Fall semester 17: Probability 2 (conditional expectation, martingales, Markov chains and Brownian motion). Exercise sheets can be found
- Spring semester 17: Seminar on combinatorics on permutations. See the dedicated page.
- Fall semester 16: Introduction to Ising model. Exercise sheets can be found here.
- Spring semester 16: Analytic combinatorics. Exercise sheets can be found here.
- Fall semester 15: Seminar on combinatorics on permutations. See the dedicated page.
- Spring semester 15: Complex analysis. Exercise sheets can be found here.
- Fall semester 14: Random combinatorial structures. Exercise sheets can be found here
- Spring semester 14: Enumerative combinatorics. Exercise sheets, the partial exam and its solution can be found here.
- Fall semester 13: Representation theory of finite groups, with a focus on symmetric groups.
Exercise sheets, the partial and final exams with the solution of the first one can be found here.
- I also suggested some project topic for first year students learning python (together with
Mathilde Bouvel):
the purpose is to implement simple combinatorial algorithms between permutations and trees.
Try it and fell free to ask questions !